Category Insights

Say Hello to Google Allo !!

Today google launches it’s most awaited messaging app Google Allo like most of the time, we expected a silent rollout and again google didn’t disappoint us. With strong control over play services in android devices, the rollout was silent yet buzzing…. Continue Reading →

Amazing Growth Hack Tricks to Retain App Users

Introduction The fact that today in the world of more than 7 billion people and 4.77 billion mobile phone users, it is almost impossible to predict the customer behavior. Though, many individuals and startups/companies have said that they have cracked… Continue Reading →

Is HTTP is Bleeding to death ? Chrome Helps Killing it.

Google recently announced that from January 2017 onwards chrome browser will start warning users about websites using insecure HTTP connections to transmit passwords and credit card data as insecure, as part of a long-term plan to mark all HTTP sites… Continue Reading →

Page speed and it’s impact on SEO – and how to improve it

Gone are the days of SEO dependent on meta tags, meta description, spamming of keywords and irrelevant back-links. With expansion of internet and introduction of smart crawl algorithms, our old known internet is no more the same.It has evolved and… Continue Reading →

Custom error handling in Android

Exception handling is one of the most crucial part of any program and android is no different story.When any error or exception occurs, developers need to know Type of exception is it run-time or compile time or logical exception. Line… Continue Reading →

Diegesis of Firebase – where does it fits for you ?

For many of us, mobile became a day-to-day life aspect, so natural that sometimes it’s easy to forget how it actually works. So let’s do a quick recap. Nowadays, mobile doesn’t exist without a backend. That’s pretty much a fact…. Continue Reading →

Short note for Students and anyone who wants to start a startup

Hello Everyone, We are based out of Ahmedabad-Gujarat, running the web and mobile-based book exchange platform,, where readers can buy, sell, exchange their Textbooks, Novels or any other reading material within their Institute/City. Here is what I learned from… Continue Reading →

Burning investor’s money to offer discounts & gain more users? You might be at the wrong path.

Now a days startups are focusing on valuations rather than making company self sustainable. “Valuations are valueless” if founders are burning investor’s money just to acquire customers and when they failed to raise next round of funding with over valuations,… Continue Reading →

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